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A "First Love" Frame of Mind   08-July-2007  from Don Patterson

I was recently at the airport in Chicago, waiting with a crowd of travelers for our bags to show up in the claim area. For some reason, our luggage was delayed, so I had time to do my favorite airport pass time - watching people.  

In my search for interesting people, I saw one young couple, apparently reuniting after one of them had been on a trip. They were facing each other, foreheads pressed together, holding hands so tightly you could see their white knuckles. They were smiling and whispering to one another, oblivious of the hundreds of people surrounding them. Their display of affection was pure and undistracted (and they weren't embarrassing anyone with inappropriate actions).

It prompted me to think of my wife, Mary, and how we acted the same way in our first years of dating. Now, after 20 years of marriage, our love is weathered. We understand one another, we trust one another and we love one another, but that "first love" is most often replaced by a durable love, a tried and true love.

Jesus longs for us to stay in that "first love" frame of mind, in our relationship with him.  In Revelation, Jesus cries out to one church like a wounded lover:

"I hold this against you; You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first." 

-Revelation 2:4-5

He is saying, "Return to the love you had at the first, when your love for God was fresh, new, unashamed and undistracted".  God wants a passionate, un-intrudable relationship with us. How do we get back to our "first love"? 

We have to get away from it all and be alone with God. In a quiet place, we need to listen to Jesus, "forehead to forehead", taking in his love and contemplating his life and what he did for us. We need to think about his promises.

When we do that, we fall in love all over again.

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