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A Reason For Hope

Thank you...

Don and our team of volun- teers sincerely appreciate whenever someone takes the time to respond to us.

Listed here are a few excerpts from the gracious comments we have received.

We would love to hear from you too.

From Our Listeners... 

I listened to the message called  "My Life Is God's" this past Sunday. The message really stirred a conviction in me. God spoke right through the radio that morning for me to hear, using Don as the messenger. Thank you for providing these broadcasts. What a blessing!

I enjoy listening your message on Sunday mornings, as I come home from working a night shift at the hospital. Keep up the good work. I will be listening.

What a blessing from the Father to send someone like you to preach the Word. As a baby Christian, I hunger for the Word, seeking every avenue to fill my long lost void. God puts His words into your mouth and fills my spirit and I grow in faith every time I hear your program. God bless you, my spiritual brother.

It's always refreshing to hear God's Word, but the way you present it is very moving. While I have listened to your program in the past, this is the first time I have visited your web site. Please keep up the work you are doing and God's blessing to you.


I would like to personally thank you for your congregation's radio ministry. I regularly download the broadcast and listen when I am traveling. God has given you a special gift of teaching his Word clearly to our contemporary society. Your sermons are an encouragement to me.


My daughter sent me the link to your RFH web site this morning. What a great site - congratulations! 


In the year or so that I have listened to "A Reason For Hope" on KLGO, I've grown to appreciate the difference that is has made in my Christian radio listening experience and in my life. Thank you for the weekly faithful reminder that there is always a "tremendous reason for hope".


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